IJ-7 Day 1 will be keynoted by Krishna Bharat, the Founder of Google News.
Krishna Bharat is a Distinguished Researcher at Google Inc. in Mountain View, Calif., and leads a team developing Google's news products. Krishna is the creator of Google News, which won the 2003 Webby Award in the news category. Also, he received the 2003 World Technology Award for Media & Journalism. In 2004 he founded Google's R&D operations in India and served as the center's first director until 2006. Before joining Google in 1999, he was a member of the research staff at DEC Systems Research Center in Palo Alto, Calif. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in 1996.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Conference Program for Day 3 - June 9 - online
The preliminary conference program for Day 3 - June 9 - is now online.
Day 3 includes: Invited Presentations and the Academic Track
You can see the program here.
Day 3 includes: Invited Presentations and the Academic Track
You can see the program here.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Questions and answers

The roundtable panel -- How to cover environmental innovation in innovative ways -- handles crucial subjects for society in our age. How we can be innovative, to transform our society so that it becomes environmentally sustainable. Clearly we need fresh thinking and advanced innovation.
Our panel will discuss whether journalism has succeeded in covering environmental problems. Evidently the coverage has been biased, and we will discuss this problem. What we should do to cover neglected areas? How can we avoid exaggerating some subjects?
In addressing these questions we will talk, for example, with the editor in chief of GreenTech Media, Michael Kanellos. He is exactly the right person to discuss these questions: in his work he covers emerging technologies and companies in the ‘green’ world.
We will also discuss how emerging technologies affect journalism. How can journalists use new technology. Computer science professor Erkki Sutinen will bring scientific depth to our discussion.
As June approaches, things are developing well, everything looks promising, and more participants will be joining our list of attendees later.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Innovations vs. journalism

We're going to have a great roundtable, with several top journalists and media leaders already confirmed for the panel. All of them have different angles on innovations and media. The big question here is: innovations or journalism? I'm going to ask them if innovations aren't actually killing journalism by becoming journalism.
Think about social media innovations such as Facebook and Twitter. Think about blogging, think about the much touted iPhones and iPads, think about Google for the holy algorithm's sake. They are all consuming the same precious time that we know each of us only has 28 hours in a day. Ok, just checking you're awake. 24 hours. Future, inevitably, will be a huge battle for time.
Before our era of palm-fitting browsers and tech-savvy kids that grow up online, people used their spare time following journalism. That was the case until about a dozen years ago. They were offered a wide range of news and other stories to enjoy. Daily or weekly. Nowadays, everybody can be a presenter and everybody can be his/her own gatekeeper, editor, anchor, master and commander. Who needs responsible editors anymore? In other words, innovations are killing journalism?
Best journalism has always been in the forefront of progress, advocating for new ideas and empowering ordinary people. Why do we now feel the need to stick to the old ways of the past? Should we? If not, what do we do next? How do we keep journalism alive and start covering innovations in new innovative ways that actually match the stories we cover? To answer these questions and more I have invited to the roundtable some great journalists whose thoughts I love listening to. They all have very different backgrounds and work experiences.
Hearst's Richard Dunham has been a political correspondent and a newsroom leader in Washington for more than two decades. Kara Swisher is one of the wittiest technology writers of all times. She started her popular BoomTown column while working with the Wall Street Journal in the paper's San Francisco bureau. Now she is a co-producer and co-host of All Things Digital. Marjaana Toiminen is in charge of branding and profiling magazines for Scandinavia's biggest publishing house, Bonnier, as the company's CEO in Finland. She has just presented the publishing house's brand new mag+ reader. Martha Russell works with other prominent IT thinkers and researchers every day at Stanford's MediaX laboratory, and she is the best person to turn to for new interactive online tools. As last, Steve Katz, the current publisher of Mother Jones Magazine, has also promised to give his insight.
Other interesting participants are to follow, including YOU!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Rounding It Up

My IJ-7 roundtable is moving along nicely. The conference is still a few months away, but things are shaping up. For my roundtable--Choosing What To Cover in Innovation Journalism: How Do You Know What I Didn't Write?--I am glad to announce the following, confirmed participants: Owen Thomas, Executive Editor at VentureBeat, Theodore Glasser, Professor of Communication, Stanford University, Chris Dale, YouTube PR and Donna Sokolsky Burke, SparkPR.
I am happy to see people are responding to the topic at hand, and are eager to participate. Listening to all the other Fellows' roundtable suggestions (and their suggestions for top InJo stories) today at Stanford, I think IJ-7 will turn into a fantastic conference. For my part, the hosting newsroom (VentureBeat) has proved to be an invaluable resource as far as connections and brainstorming are concerned.
All in all, things look very promising and the Spring months are rolling along at a swift pace. June is still a couple of months away, and this time will give each of us time to really focus on what we are trying to accomplish with the conference: further examination and development of innovation journalism.
IJ-7 Conference - gearing up!
Welcome to the IJ-7 conference blog. The conference is well on track. This conference - organized here at Stanford by the Innovation Journalism Fellows - is organized on short notice every year, with very good results until now. You can see the previous conference here: http://ij6.innovationjournalism.org. Within the coming weeks, the conference websites for this year will develop. The links to the Main Conference 7-9 June and the IJ-7 Academic Track is here in the right column - just click on the pics.
We are working on the registration site for the conference, which will be up before long. Until then, you can announce your interest in the conference by clicking on the "registration" tab under the header of the main conference site, and sign up for notifications from there.
All the best,
/David Nordfors
Conference Chair, IJ-7
Friday, April 2, 2010
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